Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Living A Life Of Gratitude......

Life is full of so many unkind things, unbearable situations, inconveniences and the likes.....but you know, you have to learn to live above any situation you may be facing.

Your marriage may not be going on well,you may be having a hard time trying to find or keep a man, you may not have enough to take care of your parents as expected, it may be lack of funds to execute a project you've been hoping to do, it may even be you got shelter problems...etc...

Can you try to live above these needs??
Can you just try to remain unperturbed, happy and steadfast in enjoying your life regardless of all these troubles??

Life is beautiful, and short.
Rapture can happen at any time...if that happens,all that you have ever enjoyed will be all that you have and can enjoy.

Live a life of Gratitude. Applaud yourself every time for the little things you pull off.
Applaud your spouse, parents ,friends,leaders,etc...
Never take anything or anyone for granted.

Always remember, no matter how uncomfortable you may feel regarding anything whatsoever in your life, some other person somewhere is praying to have that life.

I heard a story last week from a very dear sister, she said she was watching TV, and there was a man telling a story about his Mentor. He said they were both driving somewhere and suddenly his mentor got a call from someone telling him about a very bad situation going on at that hour, all the man could hear his mentor say was.."What???.....
His mentor kept saying that all through the conversation and he heard nothing from the other end of the phone.
When the conversation was over, he asked his mentor, what that was about...
His mentor said to him:"My Father's house is being burnt down ".On hearing this,the young man was very agitated and asked what they needed to do about the situation at that moment, but he got the shock of his life; His mentor was calm, totally peaceful and said, he needed to get some  grapes.
He drove to the mall,stepped out of the car, asked the young man if he cared to join in, and they got in for the grapes.
He wondered what was going on, but the mentor told him, there was nothing he could do at the moment but that God was in control.
The young man took that as a lesson never to forget.

So,you see??? Life will always happen, but you've got to learn to be in peace regardless of whatever happens.
Be happy,stay in peace, be thankful and you will be amazed at the blessings that will come your way when you re not looking.

There's strength and power in you.
Let nothing tell you otherwise.
You may feel like your life looks ordinary today, but you are writing the pages of history!
Hold unto these words and let them drive you to your destiny!
There's a beautiful life ahead of you, not worth giving up on.

Keep living, Be happy and Stay Happy!
I love you, Always.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Where Does Your Heart Stand??.............

Functions of your internal dialogue determines the  positioning of your heart.

This is a great key that affects how everything about you turns out to be. 

How do you explain a little girl who became an orphan at a tender age, grew up with her life holding little hope for significance,with no position, no power,who could merely be described as  one of many young girls in the city,but in possession of great values that set the course of her life around .
This is none other, but Amazing QUEEN ‎ESTHER

We all know her story.....
(Read the entire chapter in the Book of Esther of any living Bible if you don't know this story. )

Esther believed in herself and in her God and ‎that gave  her ACCESS. She had favor  with God and men.
She kept living her life, days grew into months,years and suddenly came a day,an opportunity showed up;The king of the city needed to pick a wife. 
This young lady joined the contest and after a few period of preparation, she became the Queen!

Thinking about her story makes me realize it's not about going  everywhere seeking to be noticed,It's about understanding the purpose of your existence and your need for wanting to be married, to have a child or whatever need you may have. 
These thoughts affect the positioning of your heart and that's why you need to be careful. 
You may wonder why no one has come to make any proposition in the last 2 years.....
Your heart may not be properly positioned concerning the subject matter.
Truth is Opportunity ALWAYS  show up when you are ready!!!

Now, take a good look at yourself and ask yourself:
Can I be married to a King someday if I take a cue from Queen Esther's story? 
(Don't necessarily mean the 'president of a nation 'or 'a Governor' even though it's inclusive in my description of a King..if you find a man of integrity whose heart is right with God, that's the  King you need ,sister!!)

We're all different,but there are principles  that have been set to produce exceptional results over and over again when put in good use. 

Esther became the Queen because of her heart  position.
She understood who she was and that she was a person of destiny! 
Even though we look the same, we are not all the same! 
This is as simple as it gets!Change from within by positioning your heart rightly and watch what happens. 

I write to every young lady and lad out there today,willing to get the best out of life...

Embrace the values that will set you aside for greatness .
An extra ordinary life doesn't just happen.... 
A fabulous relationship doesn't just happen....

Cultivate and exude the virtues that can attract a King, then you re on your way to setting your life on a course that it's destined to travel.

And to the King, watch out for these virtues. There' re ladies with these virtues, Look out for them; for it is the glory of God to conceal a matter ;the honor of a King to search it out. 
Go all out to search and then you can boldly say "I have found............"

Your best days are right ahead of you. 
Stop waiting, Act Now.
I wish you well.

Love, Always.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

A Totally Different Ball Game.......

Do you know that dating rules and marriage rules are different?

You hear a lot of stories and you wonder if the people involved are aware that once you re married, the rules changes.

You may be reading this article and may be wondering what changes there are.

Well,lets take a look at this.......

Imagine a scenario whereby while dating your boyfriend,argument about something breaks out and then he hit you and kicks you out of the house.

Do you believe as a single lady, that may be your last of seeing that guy???Not just because there was an argument and he hit you, but because  he trampled on your value and deprived you of your rights to protect your  dignity as a woman.
You may not want to return to that kind of man,because you also feel that if he hit you once, he will do it again and again.
We are all different, every lady is not the same, some may not mind a few slaps here and there for the rest of their lives, while some do mind.
Its all about our choices.

On the other note, if this scenario plays out after being married to your prince charming, your decision is different. You have no option of disappearing whether for a day or a week or forever.
Your only option is to cry if you must and be submissive despite it.
You may be wrong if you put back a slap or  respond angrily with hurtful words or curse
You may be right if you get really upset, walk away angrily, lock yourself up for a few hours to cry,talk to God, sleep and wake to make  dinner if it's not past dinner time.


Because it's a totally different Ball Game!

Now, this example does not describe this as a chronic domestic violence case. The story is just as simple as it is.

You see?
To enjoy your marriage is a decision you make. Just the same way you decide to love.
God never promised no challenges when married,but He did state our roles.
Once each party is committed to fulfilling the role,then you re bound to have a heaven on earth experience staying married!

He said husbands love your wives: question is will a man who loves his wife hit her??The answer is NO.
And there are no conditions attached to this statement,He didn't say Love her when she's in order.
Same thing to wives;wives, submit to your husbands,even when the condition is not right or favorable, as long as this man becomes your husband, submit to his lordship.

That's why it's very important to watch and be careful when it's that time of your life to get married.You can't afford to get it wrong. If you do,that decision will affect you the rest of your life and you will have no one to blame for it.

Be ready to stick with and enjoy the consequences of your choice.
If you find your self in a situation whereby you re not enjoying your marriage, there's hope if you re willing to pay the price.

Influence can get your spouse back. Yes,influence!
Before influence comes to play, you have to know God and understand his motives and plans for marriage. You have to be right with God.
There can be no successful marriage without God.
Once you put all of that in place and have in you, His Love, then you're ready to get your spouse right.

Influence is simply the power to produce an effect without an apparent exertion.This simply means you can produce an effect, a change in the life of your spouse just by living your life.

Your wife does wrong ,but you still love her regardless and show it in your ways of talking to her, giving attention, buying her gifts, etc...
Your husband does wrong ,but you still remain submissive: you cook for him, take care of the home, pray for him, support him nonetheless.

Maintaining these positions for as long as it takes can not but produce the desired results. Love works all the time.

See??? Nothing is impossible.
Make up your mind to give your best on every count.
Understand and be ready to accept the fact that it's a totally different ball game when you're set to take the next step.

Here s wishing you the very  best.
Have an amazing day

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

It All Depends On Your Inner Reflection....

Many people don't realize they look like their inside.
Is there something about you,you don't like?? Check your inside. Check the thoughts you process every seconds...if you can change what you think about, then you can change how you look on the outside.

I am a very beautiful young lady...so beautiful that my husband finds me irresistible every second of our lives since we met.
So beautiful that I never go unnoticed everywhere I go. 
This is possible because this is exactly how I see myself on the inside.

But you know,there were days I didn't know how beautiful I was.
I got dressed without the consciousness of who I am,
I looked into the mirror but didn't see anything. 
This persisted because I had no information and no recognition of the abilities and the power that resided in me.
The proven reality that says the eyes without the mind sees nothing, is so true.
Only God,through His word,can make the mind get  functional appropriately.

Same approach applies to our relationships...
The beauty of your relationship is dependent on how you see it to be from within.Remember you attract what you think about the most.
What thought dominates your mind about your relationships?
How do you see your spouse?
How do you relate with your parents ?
How do you deal with your siblings??
How do you address people who are ahead of you?? 
Everything is a function of your inner processing. 
And to change whatever it is you may not like,you have to listen to what you re saying about yourself, or your relationships
Listen to the thoughts you're playing in your mind. It is extremely important you take note of your internal dialogue and make sure it is working for your benefit. 

Feel like a winner from within by thinking it,and act like a winner on the outside by speaking it.
You will be amazed at how this transforms your life and relationships. 

Beautiful weather in the city of Lagos. 
Enjoy your day people.


Monday, 6 June 2016

Power of your influence....

Happy New Month of June people....

A beautiful story I read sometimes ago about a Mayor and his wife came to my mind and I thought to share it with the beautiful ladies paying attention. 
Let me also apologize for being away for quite some time.Will work on making up for the lost time..smiles....
The mindset that this short story gives, changes everything if properly understood and appropriated. 

The story is about a newly elected mayor of a town in Ohio. 
At the inaugural parade,as he and his wife rode down the main street in the motorcade,waving to the crowds of people gathered along the route,they passed a man who was calling out to the mayor' s wife.
The Mayor asked, "who is that man?"
She replied by saying that was her old boyfriend. 
The Mayor nodded his head and said :" Just think ; if you would have married him,you wouldn't be the mayor' s wife today"
She smiled and answered, 'No,if I would have married him,he would be the mayor today. '

What a story!!!

The question is how many ladies realize they got this much influence??
It is not about " looking for the rich, tall ,dark and handsome"......because the lesser is always  included in the greater.

When you realize the power of your influence,then you are set to create your world of happiness, joy and love. 

Don't allow time dictate the course of your life. You create your future in the course of time. 

All you need is inside you. You may never get what you re looking for if you keep looking around or hoping someday, someone will come around.
This is because what you re looking for is right where you are, right within you. 
Look inwards, change your perspective and you ll begin to see the things you never thought were around you. 
For the single  ladies,you can still meet your man and be married before this year runs out. ‎
For the single guys,the latter paragraph is applicable to you too..Open your Mind to see.....She is right where you are!!!‎

It's a beautiful Monday filled with exciting benefits. Enjoy the most of it. 

Love you Always.