Your marriage may not be going on well,you may be having a hard time trying to find or keep a man, you may not have enough to take care of your parents as expected, it may be lack of funds to execute a project you've been hoping to do, it may even be you got shelter problems...etc...
Can you try to live above these needs??
Can you just try to remain unperturbed, happy and steadfast in enjoying your life regardless of all these troubles??
Life is beautiful, and short.
Rapture can happen at any time...if that happens,all that you have ever enjoyed will be all that you have and can enjoy.
Live a life of Gratitude. Applaud yourself every time for the little things you pull off.
Applaud your spouse, parents ,friends,leaders,etc...
Never take anything or anyone for granted.
Always remember, no matter how uncomfortable you may feel regarding anything whatsoever in your life, some other person somewhere is praying to have that life.
I heard a story last week from a very dear sister, she said she was watching TV, and there was a man telling a story about his Mentor. He said they were both driving somewhere and suddenly his mentor got a call from someone telling him about a very bad situation going on at that hour, all the man could hear his mentor say was.."What???.....
His mentor kept saying that all through the conversation and he heard nothing from the other end of the phone.
When the conversation was over, he asked his mentor, what that was about...
His mentor said to him:"My Father's house is being burnt down ".On hearing this,the young man was very agitated and asked what they needed to do about the situation at that moment, but he got the shock of his life; His mentor was calm, totally peaceful and said, he needed to get some grapes.
He drove to the mall,stepped out of the car, asked the young man if he cared to join in, and they got in for the grapes.
He wondered what was going on, but the mentor told him, there was nothing he could do at the moment but that God was in control.
The young man took that as a lesson never to forget.
So,you see??? Life will always happen, but you've got to learn to be in peace regardless of whatever happens.
Be happy,stay in peace, be thankful and you will be amazed at the blessings that will come your way when you re not looking.
There's strength and power in you.
Let nothing tell you otherwise.
You may feel like your life looks ordinary today, but you are writing the pages of history!
Hold unto these words and let them drive you to your destiny!
There's a beautiful life ahead of you, not worth giving up on.
Keep living, Be happy and Stay Happy!
I love you, Always.