Saturday, 22 October 2016


Life is all about this simple but powerful word.

Change happens whether we realize it or not, it happens when we are unaware of its existence.
Change is EVERYTHING! Understanding the power of change will transform your life from victory to victory.

There was a time you weren’t as grown as this…
When you didn’t know the things you know now………
When you were fed and taught, but you are feeding yourself and teaching yourself now…..
When you were a young lady and now you are a married woman………
When being born again used to be an old fashioned way, but now you know being born again is the real deal….

Change happens all the time. 
Your attitude when change is going on is something I want to focus on at this moment.
A lot  of times we don’t like how change happens because we want our lives to go in a certain direction and it’s not happening, you always think life would be different if only you had this thing or if only things happened to you in a different way.

You have to stop that thought right away because it’s a trap that the devil uses to hinder you from enjoying God's best. The way you want your life to go may just not be the right way for you. As long as you have come to Jesus, and He is your Lord and Saviour, then, however the direction of your life goes, know and believe He is working it out for your good and He is in complete control.

You may have been praying and hoping to get married to a kind of man you have painted for yourself, probably a Tall, Dark & Handsome guy, and along the line ,someone you never thought you would be attracted to come knocking on your door, and then you cry asking God, why???????

That may just be the person that would stay committed to you for the rest of your life!

Change is beautiful,Welcome it! Give room for it, Stay open and accept where God has you today.
It’s only a matter of time when everything comes together in full picture and you will understand why things have gone in the other direction.

Keep your faith alive and allow CHANGE!

Love you loads.

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